Supported Living Accommodation – High Support
We actively support young people aged 16 to 21 by encouraging, mentoring, and guiding them to focus on their strengths and to build positive support networks in order to achieve their aspirations, whether that is engaging in education,
finding work, taking part in new activities, or just making new friendships.
Our services specialise in supporting young people who may be at risk of homelessness, including those who are:
- Care leavers aged 16+
- Experiencing criminal exploitation
- Overcoming addiction
- Young parents in need of support
- Experiencing family or relationship breakdown
- Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
- Self-Harming
- Experiencing Mental Health issues
- Learning Disorders
- Substance Misuse & abuse
- Mood disorders
- Anxiety
- Tics and Tourette Syndrome
Our support services provide a safe place for young people to gain essential life skills and learn how to live independently as they make the transition to adulthood. We also offer move-on services to help young people find and maintain their own independent accommodation, as well as floating support through our community outreach services, where we provide one-to-one and group support to young people living independently in the community.
Tailored Support
Our support pathways are tailored to each young person’s individual needs, and delivered through structured and evidential support planning.
We encourage each young person to take control of their lives and to work towards achieving their personal goals. Our support focuses on eight key areas:
- Accessing accommodation
- Employment and learning
- Getting along with people
- Mental and physical health
- Goal setting and achieving
- Making positive choices
- Budgeting money
- Developing practical life skills
Supported Living
At Each One Support, we provide a variety of services to help meet a range of unique support needs.
Through our supported living accommodation, and our community-based floating support, we provide personalised support that enables our young people to live as independently as possible.
Our experienced and nurturing staff encourage, support, and motivate young people to do as much as they can for themselves, and to develop the life skill needed to live happy and fulfilling lives.
Our young people have choice and control in their lives and are always treated with dignity and respect. We also offer a range of additional mentoring and training services to support young people in achieving and maintaining their independence with added reassurance and peace of mind.
We truly care about our young people, and take immense pride in the services we offer.